
Catering equipment trends to look out for in 2019

Sustainability is fast becoming an issue for the kitchens of today, whether it be in energy, water, food waste and FOG (fats oils and grease) management. Consumers and businesses are increasingly aware of what goes into our food and how the processes we use to make it has an impact on the environment. So, what is in store for catering facilities in 2019? Commercial and domestic catering equipment specialist Adam Cattermole, of Cattermole Group, which has been based in the Midlands for nearly 50 years, looks at what he believes will be the areas to look out for as well as upcoming trends for the year ahead.

“Quicker, easier, healthier and more efficient seems to be the mantra of most hospitality businesses this year as consumers continue to cry out for freshly cooked, healthy, high quality meals.”

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With two generations of the Cattermole family and over 70 years of experience in the catering company the team has seen many changes in the industry. So, when it comes to spotting trends they like to be ahead of the game.

“From gyms, restaurants, cafes and even schools, individuals are becoming more and more aware of what goes into our food and how it is prepared.

“This has led to many manufacturers focusing on more cost effective, energy efficient ways to create that wholesome fine dining experience,” says Managing Director Adam Cattermole.

In the last year statistics from Veganuary show 16% of all UK ventures were vegan, seeing the need for kitchens to adapt and provide for a more freshly sourced palette. This has seen a shift in demands for storage that can preserve and keep ingredients fresher for longer. That means that refrigeration systems are being pushed to the forefront as the need to create ever efficient ways of storing food which is more environmentally friendly and economical is becoming an increasing demand.

We are seeing similar developments in warewashing with latest models of glass washers and dish washers using 50% less energy compared to base level appliances. More can be done though and manufacturers are looking at ways to make sure that our catering facilities run effectively and continue to care for the environment.

The push for sustainability will also complement the rise in high-speed grills – which dominated the sector last year – allowing high end fine dining finishes to be achieved more efficiently and effectively on a mass scale.

“The food industry is becoming ever more eco-conscious, making mindful, sustainable catering a big trend for 2019*. This food trend is also filtering into preparation areas as businesses strive to improve their carbon footprint and utilise more eco friendly methods of cooking, storing and preparing food.

“Equipment is becoming more energy efficient and cooking methods are steering away from traditional energy heavy production. Manufacturers are aware of the benefits to the planet and their business of thinking eco.” This means we can expect to see exciting new product launches in areas which help businesses be more . . .

Health conscious

From vegan to flexitarian and paleo diets products which seal in freshness and help businesses to prepare fresh, wholesome ingredients more energy efficiently and faster will be in demand this year.


Consumers are now more than ever aware of the impact their eating habits have on the environment. This means that consumers are looking for businesses that take this into consideration. As energy costs increase it is also a concept businesses are keen to embrace driving down running costs and making kitchens work more efficiently both for the environment and the business.


Recent high-profile cases have reminded food outlets of the need to be aware of food preparation and accommodating the rising number of UK consumers affected by food allergies. Statistics from the NHS show that in the last 20 years there has been a huge rise in the number of people diagnosed with allergies from Gluten, nut, dairy and shellfish. This has seen a real niche in the market for businesses able to accommodate all food requirements. It also creates a need for space saving catering equipment which can meet with the multiple demands of busy kitchens.

Expect to see developments in space saving equipment which can combine multiple uses into one handy tool. Gone are the days when a kitchen had a tool for everything. The slimline approach means we now have one gadget that ‘does everything’.

Waste aware

Catering establishments have been largely to blame for the “fat-bergs” that are taking over our drains. However, new innovations are becoming more affordable with grease traps that no longer require expensive cleaning. Could 2019 be the year that a simple grease trap solution for combi-ovens is launched?

“2019 promises to be another busy year for caterers and I expect to see big releases from the likes of Robot Coupe, Eauvation, Greaseshield and Lincat as companies strive to keep up with the demands of ever busy kitchens looking to save time and money to reduce costs while still offering more.

“Look out for high efficiency, time saving developments with more multi-tool products that reduce the need for multiple machines. 2019 is certainly the year to support eco-friendly choices which are not only good for the environment but also business running costs.”

*statistic from Mintel report

By Adam Cattermole, commercial and domestic catering equipment specialist at commercial appliance service and repairs company, Cattermole Group

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