
Hospitality Rising hits 55k job applications a year after launch

‘Rise Fast, Work Young’, which was launched in October 2022, has contributed towards over 4,000 applications each week for the 37,000 jobs vacant on the site

The hospitality recruitment initiative, Hospitality Rising, has announced that its ‘Rise Fast, Work Young’ campaign has generated some 55,000 applications to fill job vacancies within the sector a year after its launch. 

At the same time, the campaign also reached almost 10 million impressions on TikTok. 

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‘Rise Fast, Work Young’, which was launched in October 2022, has contributed towards over 4,000 applications each week for the 37,000 roles that have been posted to the jobs page to date. 


In addition, since its inception just over a year ago, the initiative has also gained the backing of more than 300 businesses, as well as celebrity chefs and hospitality leaders.

Mark McCulloch, founder of Hospitality Rising and campaign director, said: “We are blown away by the reach and success of this initial campaign push. Some 55,000 job applications and counting is an incredible achievement and the TikTok results show we are hitting the mark with our target audience.

“We’re launching a second wave of advertising and social media now and fully expect to see another surge in traffic as a result. We clearly couldn’t have achieved any of this without the support of our partners. We need to ensure we maintain momentum and build on these great results.”

He added: “To achieve that we need even more businesses to join us and would urge any operators or suppliers not already involved, to grab the opportunity to come together to help tackle the workforce crisis that is threatening our brilliant industry.”

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