
Nick Nairn closes Aberdeen-based Pizza Bar business

Celebrity chef Nick Nairn has closed his Aberdeen-based Pizza Bar business which opened in 2016, resulting in the loss of five full-time jobs.

The business has been placed in the hands of administrators who described the restaurant as “no longer commercially viable”.

Chef Nairn said: “I had always wanted to expand into Aberdeen and the business had years of success with a loyal customer base. However, the downturn in the oil and gas industry hit the economy in the north east, leaving people with less money to spend on eating out.

“It’s with regret that I’ve had to make the decision to close my business in Aberdeen where I have enjoyed having a presence. I’d like to thank everyone who has worked with us in Aberdeen, and all our customers and suppliers with whom we have had an excellent relationship.”

Nairn’s cook school in Aberdeen closed down just last month due to rising utilities bills.

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