
87% of people to ‘confidently’ return to restaurants, says Raymond Blanc

A recent survey by Brasserie Bar Co, the group behind Raymond Blanc’s Brasserie Blanc restaurants and The White Brasserie pubs, has revealed that 87% of people will “confidently” return to restaurants and pubs once they open.

The survey also found that of those 87%, nearly 40% said they’ll dine out as soon as they can. While just over 60% said they’d dine out but would need to feel safe to do so.

When asked what would make diners feel more comfortable about visiting a restaurant or pub, the majority were focused on tables. 26% said table spacing inside and 24% said tables available outside would make them feel more comfortable.

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Surprisingly, only 13% said staff wearing face coverings would strengthen their confidence in eating out. The majority of respondents 62% said they have no concerns about using restaurant cutlery, crockery and glass wear when going out to eat.

Brasserie Bar Co, which owns Raymond Blanc’s restaurants including Brasserie Blanc and White Brasserie Pubs, surveyed 12,825 people ahead of restaurants reopening post lockdown.

Raymond Blanc said: “The hospitality sector has been hit particularly hard and on both a personal and professional level, telling staff that we would have to close our doors indefinitely was very difficult indeed.

“It now feels like we’re starting to turn a corner with re-opening on the horizon. This survey shows a new confidence about eating out which feels promising. We’re looking forward to welcoming customers back safely, as soon as we can.”

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