
Hospitality trade improves in second week of opening  

Managed pubs, bars and restaurants that have reopened in England reported lifted sales in their second week of trading. 

According to the latest Coffer Peach Business Tracker data from CGA, sales remain “well below” pre-Covid levels, with collective like-for-like sales down by 31.6% in the week beginning 13 July

However, this marked an improved performance from the first week of reopening, when trading levels were 39.8% down against the year prior. 

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Overall, total sales across the managed sector were up 40.6% against week one trading.


In addition, 60% of group-operated sites were open for eating and drinking inside, up from the 55% reported in the first week of reopening. 

Restaurants welcomed the biggest uplift, with like-for-likes down only 26.9%, compared to 40.0%the year prior. 

According to the CGA, restaurant groups took a “more cautious” approach to reopening in general, with only 24% of sites open for business. Pub groups were “more ambitious”, with 74% of sites open in the second week of reopening.  

Across managed pubs, sales were down by 32.4% against the year prior, compared to the 39.3% decline reported the week before. 

Karl Chessell, director of CGA, said:“Trading at approaching 70% of pre-COVID norms after just two weeks should be seen as a solid performance, in the light of consumers’ stated caution about going out to eat and drink again after lockdown. 

“The steady improvement on the first week back is also encouraging, and operators will hope to maintain that momentum as more sites open their doors. Providing the public with reassurance that it’s safe to go out and that they will also have a good time is going to be crucial.”

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