
Weekly sales down 40% across pubs and restaurants

Managed pub, bar and restaurant groups that operated in the first week of openings saw collective like-for-like sales down by 39.8% against the year prior. 

According to the latest Coffer Peach Business Tracker data, in the week beginning 6 July, 55% of group-operated sites had reopened for inside service, up from the 36% trading on 4 July and 5 July. 

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Full-week sales improved slightly following the first weekend of trading, when like-for-likes were down 44.5% against the year prior. 


Pubs saw weekly sales down by 39.3%, while trading at bars was down by 42.9% down. In addition, group-owned restaurants saw like-for-likes down by 40%.  

According to the CGA, however, more pubs opened their doors than restaurants and bars. Around 70% of managed pubs and pub restaurants traded, while only 17% of restaurants and 42% of bars were open for business.

Karl Chessell, director of CGA, said: “Trading at almost 60% of pre-COVID norms is actually a better performance than many other markets internationally, such as the US, experienced on reopening. 

“The sector still has a long way to go, but this sets the benchmark against which the speed of recovery will be judged.”

He added: “Operators told us that most would be taking a phased approach to reopening and we have seen this in the figures. 

“The 70% of managed pubs in the first full week compares to just 42% over the first weekend, and although restaurants have been taking an even more cautious approach we know more will be open next week.”

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