40 government officials poisoned by Diwali food

As many as 40 people working for an unnamed government department in Leicester have been struck down with food poisoning after ordering “culturally relevant food” to celebrate the end of Diwali 2017.
The incident prompted Leicester City Council to commission a report investigating the incident. It said: “To celebrate the end of Diwali 2017, employees at three Leicester offices of a central government department were invited to order culturally relevant food from a city establishment, and have this delivered to their offices for consumption while at work.”
The council added: “The organiser of this celebration food contacted the council after staff became ill.”
Leftovers were taken by the council for microbiological investigation where it was found to contain high levels of the Clostridium Perfringens toxin.
The council however said: “It was not possible to obtain sufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction. In these circumstances, no prosecution will be brought.”
The identity of the restaurant and government department involved has not been disclosed by Leicester City Council