Pubs and Bars

London Cocktail Club opens new site in Bristol

London Cocktail Club (LCC), the cocktail bar group founded by world-renowned bartender JJ Goodman and investor James ‘Hoppy’ Hopkins, has launched its first venue outside London.

The new site is on the Triangle district in Bristol, returning to the city where Goodman and Hopkins filmed the BBC television series ‘The Restaurant’ in 2009. The two won the food competition, receiving an investment from judges Raymond Blanc and Sarah Willingham, inspiring a goal to eventually open a bar there.

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London Cocktail Club was established in 2008 and has nine sites in the capital.


Each LCC bar has its own theme and the Bristol site is a “twisted ode to Neverland at night, with a deviant Peter Pan-esque after party vibe”. The bar will offer ‘peculiar potions’ and ‘extravagant elixirs’ and will feature an overgrown enchanted garden.

Goodman said: “After lucking out in Bristol back in the day, we’re beyond excited to be returning to the city to share the love with the crew, old friends and new. This is going to be the start of something incredible. So, let’s all swing a light, sink a martini and bring on those LCC night’s we’re never going to forget.”

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