Pubs and Bars

Residents take pub to court following ‘sex in the street’

Local residents in Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent, are set to take local pub the Jolly Potters to court after saying its parties have led to excessive noise levels and people having sex in the street.

According to a report by the BBC, residents have also complained of public urination and drug taking at the pub, and others have said that complainants simply “want to stop” the parties.

North Staffordshire Magistrates Court will hear the case during a trial in September, with Stoke-on-Trent City Council already ruling to limit the number of events the pub can hold. Residents told the same publication that they did not believe the limit went far enough and wanted the pub to lose its music licence.

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Adrian and Jayne Steele, who live near the pub told the publication that the pub had been responsible for “ridiculous” noise levels, complaining that their windows rattled due to “heavy bass beats.

Adrian Steele accused the Jolly Potters of posting a “disrespectful” post on social media which asked drinkers to “remind our neighbours that drunk people have been loudly leaving the premises long before people decided to buy houses next-door to it”. Kath Banks of the licencing committee called the post “absolutely disgusting” and “an insult to residents”.

Another resident, Irene Brennan told the publication that the complainants wanted to “stop the enjoyment for others” and added that she thought it was “great to hear some life in the area”.

Catering Today has reached out to the Jolly Potters for comment.


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