Pubs and Bars

Strong Easter trading raises sales hopes for May

As May 2023 brings three Bank Holiday Mondays, on 1, 8 and 29 May, many in the sector are hopeful of an uplift in sales as a result

Drinks sales by value over the four-day Easter weekend were up 63% compared with the average Friday to Monday period in 2022, according to data from CGA Strategy.

Good weather helped to more than double the sales of cider, up 116%, over the long weekend, while beer was up 64%, soft drinks were up 65%, spirits up 60% and wine up 39%.

Most encouragingly sales on Bank Holiday Monday, 10 April, were 79% ahead of the average same day in 2022. Good Friday ended 71% ahead, thanks in large part to sunny weather.

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As May 2023 brings three Bank Holiday Mondays, on 1, 8 and 29 May, many in the sector are hopeful of an uplift in sales as a result.


Paul Bolton, CGA client director, GB drinks, said: “Easter has been a very welcome reminder of how long and celebratory weekends can transform drinks sales in the On Premise. However, the weather can make all the difference between a bumper weekend and a washout.

“The On Premise will be keeping everything crossed for warm and sunny conditions. As ever, it will be vital to understand sales trends and consumers’ latest priorities to take full advantage of the opportunities.”

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