
Urban Greens to open a third site amid expansion plans

The trio have already opened their first two sites in the capital at St James’s Park (2019) and Canary Wharf (2021)

Urban Greens salad bar is all set to open its third branch at St Paul’s One New Change mid-March, followed by more outlets in the capital this year.

The brand was launched by three university friends, Yannis Divas, Houman Ashrafzadeh and Rushil Ramjee.

The trio have already opened their first two sites in the capital at St James’s Park (2019) and Canary Wharf (2021).

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Each store offers 12 carefully crafted menu choices and customers can choose bowls such as Gogosan or Jakarta and watch every order made in front of them.

Ashrafzadeh, who gave up his job as a corporate management consultant in Stockholm, said: “We’re fastidious, obsessive and committed to dismantling what takeaway ‘salads’ have been reduced to in the minds of hungry people.“

It’s difficult to ascribe the word ‘salad’ to what we produce because often what comes to mind with the word is pale, hard lettuce leaves and lumps of cold tomato, rather than tasty green dishes that sing with cajun-spiced tempeh or sweet potato harissa hummus.”

Divas, who works in pharmaceuticals added: “We can’t wait to expand our brand in London, and beyond; our third site at St Paul’s can’t open soon enough.”

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